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​What are the causes of excessive underarm sweating?

Excessive underarm sweating is caused by an overactivity of one type of sweat gland, the eccrine gland.

This overactivity, it is thought, is linked to problems with the sympathetic nervous system which regulates many important functions of the body.

Eccrine glands are found all over the body surface but they are concentrated on particular areas including under the armpits.

There are many factors which can stimulate excessive sweating.

Example of triggers include:

  • exercise;
  • heat or cold;
  • alcohol, coffee or tea;
  • smoking;
  • hot or spicy food;
  • stress, anxiety or strong emotions;
  • certain times of the day.


What is Hyperhidrosis?

Everybody sweats, it’s a normal part of how our bodies regulate temperature. However, people with Hyperhidrosis produce sweat amounts far greater than needed to control their temperature.

For some people, their hyperhidrosis may be linked to some underlying condition such as diabetes or an overactive thyroid gland. For them, treatment of the underlying cause may also resolve their hyperhidrosis.

You are not alone if your life is affected by excessive sweating. The good news is that effective treatments are available which could significantly improve your quality of life. Ask your doctor about what may be the cause of your excessive sweating and the possible treatment options which may suit your needs.

How many people are affected?

It has been estimated that up to 3% of the UK population suffer from some sort of excessive sweating and around 14% experience excessive sweating under the arms. That equates to approximately 840,000 people in the United Kingdom. It usually begins to affect people from childhood or adolescence and twenties but it continues to affect individuals in their middle years.

People with this condition produce large volumes of sweat. This means that the affected areas may be continually damp. This may make normal everyday activities more difficult to carry out and it can cause embarrassment at work and socially.

However, it is not true that excessive sweating causes body odour, the aroma that some people think is due to sweating is in fact caused by bacteria if sweat remains where it is for an extended period of time.

Can excessive sweating be treated?

If you think you may be suffering from excessive sweating, there are certain lifestyle changes that can help:

  • using antiperspirant / deodorants (not deodorants alone);
  • avoiding known triggers such as spicy food or alcohol;
  • maintaining a cool environment;
  • wearing loose clothing;
  • trying to stay relaxed.

If lifestyle changes are not effective enough then please book our free consultation service at FRESH NATURAL LOOK  to discuss effective treatments

Call 01623 825345 or 07519988567 to make an appointment.


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